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Unique Acronym/Data Node | Name | Status | Country | Additional information | Station(s) |
Belgian-node | Belgian EPOS-GNSS node | Fully (O)perational | Belgium (BEL) | This node distributes the daily RINEX data from Belgian EPOS stations | |
C4G | Portuguese EPOS-GNSS National Node | Fully (O)perational | Portugal (PRT) | The C4G/UBI node disseminates GNSS data from stations managed by: C4G (Collaboratory for Geosciences), DGT (Direção Geral do Território), REPRAA (Rede de Estações Permanentes Região Autónoma dos Açores), RAEGE (Rede Atlântica de Estações Geodinâmicas e Espaciais), SEGAL (UBI/IDL) (Space & Earth Geodetic Analysis Center). This node accepts data from Portuguese GNSS Stations that comply with minimum quality levels of operation and with the Node representative establishes an agreement with. | |
CEGNxEPOS | Central and East European EPOS-GNSS Node | Pr(e)-operational | Italy (ITA) | Node distributing the FReDNet, Veneto, Friuli, Austrian and Slovenian GNSS data | |
CzechGeo | CzechGeo EPOS-GNSS Node | Disused | Czechia (CZE) | This node distributes GNSS data from Czech Republic. | |
French-node | French National Node | Fully (O)perational | France (FRA) | This node distributes GNSS data from France, including the RENAG and RGP GNSS networks. | |
IGE | Spanish EPOS-GNSS Node | Fully (O)perational | Spain (ESP) | Accepts data from Spanish EPOS stations | |
IPGP-GNSS | GNSS permanent IPGP network | O(p)erational (partly populated) | France (FRA) | GNSS data from IPGP Observatories | |
IRN | INGV RING NODE | Fully (O)perational | Italy (ITA) | Node distributing the RING GNSS data | |
Icelandic EPOS-GNSS node | Icelandic EPOS-GNSS node | Pla(n)ned | Iceland (ISL) | | |
NIEP | Romanian EPOS-GNSS Node | O(p)erational (partly populated) | Romania (ROU) | This node distributes GNSS data from Romania and includes data from stations managed by National Institute for Earth Physics - NIEP, National Institute for Research and Development on Marine Geology and Geo-ecology – GeoEcoMar and Topgeocart company. This node accepts data from Romanian GNSS stations that comply with minimum quality levels of operation and with the Node representative establishes an agreement with. | |
NOA | National Observatory of Athens | Fully (O)perational | Greece (GRC) | Node distributing the GNSS data of Greek stations | |
Pan-European | EPOS-GNSS Pan-European Node | Fully (O)perational | The EPOS-GNSS Pan-European Node disseminates GNSS data from EPOS stations that have no national node. This node accepts data from EPOS GNSS Stations that comply with minimum quality levels of operation and with the Node representative establishes an agreement with. | | |
ROB-EUREF | ROB-EUREF | Fully (O)perational | The node redistributes RINEX data from the EPN stations that have signed the EPOS-GNSS data supplier letter. | | |
SONEL | SONEL EPOS-GNSS at tide gauges node | Pr(e)-operational | GNSS at tide gauges node | |
Total 14 items.